Thursday, August 09, 2012

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August 09, 2012
Today's Feature
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Weekends More Fatal for Older Patients With Head Injury: Study

Death risk rose when hospital admission occured on Saturday, Sunday

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 Older people who suffer a head injury are more likely to die if they are admitted to the hospital over the weekend compared with other days of the week, a new study reveals.

Weekend hospital stays proved more deadly even for patients with less serious... » Read the full article

Cholesterol Levels Getting Better for U.S. Kids: CDC

But small gains may be offset by obesity crisis, expert warns

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 Cholesterol levels among U.S. kids have improved in recent decades, but almost one in 10 still has high total cholesterol, which endangers their heart health, U.S. health officials report in a new study.

The study included more than 16,000 children ... » Read the full article

Normal-Weight People With Type 2 Diabetes Have Higher Death Risk: Study

In surprise finding, odds of dying twice as high if weight is normal at diagnosis

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 Normal-weight people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have more than twice the risk of dying from heart disease and other causes than their overweight peers with the disease, a new analysis indicates.

Although type 2 diabetes is normally associa... » Read the full article

Drinking Iced Tea Raises Kidney Stone Risk: Study

Kidney stones affect about 10 percent of the U.S. population, researchers say

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 People who drink iced tea may be putting themselves at greater risk for developing painful kidney stones, a new study indicates.

Researchers from Loyola University Medical Center explained that the popular summertime drink contains high levels of oxal... » Read the full article

More Americans Walking, But Still Not Enough, CDC Says

Almost half of adults don't get enough exercise to improve their health: report

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 Almost two-thirds of Americans now say they take regular walks, a significant jump upwards, a new study finds.

However, experts add that far too many people are still not getting enough exercise to improve their health.

According to 2010 dat... » Read the full article

Grapefruit Juice May Give Boost to Cancer Treatment: Study

Combination could reduce drug doses for patients, study suggests

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 In a small study of patients with incurable cancer, drinking 8 ounces of grapefruit juice a day boosted the effect of a drug they were given during the study.

Although some participants had a response, tumors did not disappear after using the drug, w... » Read the full article

Genetic Research Sheds Light on Jewish Diaspora

Jews originating in North Africa more related to each other than their non-Jewish neighbors, study shows

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 A new genetic analysis of Jews from North Africa provides evidence that Middle Eastern Jews settled in the region during Classical Antiquity, married local populations and formed distinct populations that remained largely intact for more than 2,000 years.

... » Read the full article

Playfulness May Be Nature's Way of Helping Romance Bloom: Study

Trait could signal nonaggression in men, youth and fertility in women, researchers say

TUESDAY, Aug. 7 When it comes to human courtship, a little silliness and kidding around might help ensure success, scientists say.

Unlike other mammals, that tend to get down to business as they seek a mate, humans keep their sense of "playfulness" with each other we... » Read the full article

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