Wednesday, March 07, 2012

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

Exercise and caffeine change your DNA in the same way, study suggests

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 10:12 AM PST

When healthy but inactive men and women exercise for a matter of minutes, it produces a rather immediate change to their DNA. Perhaps even more tantalizing, the study suggests that the caffeine in your morning coffee might also influence muscle in essentially the same way.

How protein machinery binds and wraps DNA to start replication

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 10:12 AM PST

Scientists have deciphered molecular-level details of the complex choreography by which intricate cellular proteins recognize and bind to DNA to start the DNA replication process. The research may point to ways to block unwanted cell division.

How world's smallest DNA virus evolved in rare parakeets

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 10:11 AM PST

Scientists have gained new insight into a rare virus that is threatening to wipe out the Mauritius parakeet -- one of the world's most endangered species of parrot.

More effective method of imaging proteins

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 04:29 AM PST

Scientists have found a more effective way of imaging proteins. The next step is to film how proteins work – at molecular level.

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