Thursday, May 03, 2012

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May 03, 2012
Today's Feature
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HealthDay News

Exercise Plus Computer Time May Boost Seniors' Brains

Combination seems to help reduce odds of age-related memory loss, study finds

TUESDAY, May 1 A combination of moderate exercise and mental stimulation through computer use may help reduce the risk of age-related memory loss more than computer use or exercise alone, according to new research.

The study, published in the May issue of Mayo Cli... » Read the full article

For Breast Cancer Care, Radiation of Whole Breast May Be Best

Study finds poorer outcomes with localized, partial-breast approach

TUESDAY, May 1 Women who receive a type of partial-breast radiation called brachytherapy may go on to have higher rates of breast cancer recurrence and side effects such as breast pain and infection than women receiving whole-breast radiation, a new study indicates.

... » Read the full article

Fish Oil Doesn't Cut Failure Rate of Hemodialysis Grafts

However, kidney patients taking fish-oil supplements had fewer problems with clots, study says

TUESDAY, May 1 Taking fish-oil supplements does not significantly lower the failure rate of grafts used for hemodialysis, a new study finds.

The study included about 200 North American kidney-failure patients with a synthetic tube grafted between an artery and a vein... » Read the full article

Can Blood Test Predict Breast Cancer Risk?

Preliminary study found women who showed alterations in a specific gene were more likely to develop disease later

TUESDAY, May 1 A blood test that spots changes in a specific gene could reveal a woman's risk for breast cancer years before the disease has a chance to develop, researchers report.

British scientists analyzed blood samples from 640 breast cancer patients and 741 wom... » Read the full article

Arthritis in Children Linked to Infections

Limiting steroids when possible may help to lower infection risk, researchers say

TUESDAY, May 1 Children with juvenile arthritis have higher rates of bacterial infection when hospitalized than children without arthritis, a new study says.

While taking high-dose steroids was associated with a higher infection risk among kids with arthritis, other ... » Read the full article

How That Glass of Red Wine Might Help You Live Longer

Mouse study suggests synthetic form of compound found in grapes deserves a look

TUESDAY, May 1 Researchers have found new evidence showing that resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, may play a role in preventing cell aging.

The study in rodents found that when mice had a particular gene -- SIRT1 -- knocked out, or turned off, resveratrol h... » Read the full article

Women More Likely to Survive Melanoma Than Men: Study

Analysis found female patients had a 30% survival advantage

TUESDAY, May 1 When it comes to surviving the skin cancer known as melanoma, nature appears to have dealt women a better hand than men, new research suggests.

By almost every measure, an analysis of four European studies found that women can expect a 30 percent bette... » Read the full article

Healthy Weight Loss May Also Cut Your Cancer Risk

New study found decrease in inflammation warning signals

TUESDAY, May 1 Moderate weight loss reduces levels of inflammation that have been tied to certain cancers, at least in postmenopausal women, a new study suggests.

According to the findings, older women who lost at least 5 percent of their ... » Read the full article

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