Thursday, June 30, 2011

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June 30, 2011
Today's Feature
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HealthDay News

Blackouts Linked to Future Drinking Injuries in College Students

One or two blackouts increased the risk of drinking injury by nearly 60%, study found

WEDNESDAY, June 29 The more memory blackouts a college student experiences when drinking, the more likely he or she is to suffer an injury while drinking at some time in the future, a new study says.

U.S. and Canadian researchers analyzed data collected from almost 8... » Read the full article

E-Prescribing Doesn't Slash Errors, Study Finds

Computer-generated scripts for outpatients often make same mistakes as manual systems

WEDNESDAY, June 29 Outpatient electronic prescribing systems make the same common mistakes that occur in manual systems, a new study finds.

Researchers examined 3,850 computer-generated prescriptions received by a commercial pharmacy chain in three different U.S. sta... » Read the full article

Motivational Text Messages May Help Smokers Quit

Encouragement and tips to avoid cravings doubled quit rates in study participants

WEDNESDAY, June 29 Motivational text messages more than double the odds that smokers will be able to kick the habit, new research suggests.

The study included 5,800 smokers in the United Kingdom who wanted to quit and were assigned to either a group who received moti... » Read the full article

Delaying Intravenous Feeding of ICU Patients May Aid Recovery

European researchers report holding off a week helps speed up hospital discharge

WEDNESDAY, June 29 Temporarily withholding intravenous feedings for seriously ill patients in the intensive care unit may actually help them leave the hospital faster, new research finds.

Patients in the ICU are often too sick to feed themselves, or are on ventilator... » Read the full article

U.S. Plague Fatality 'Isolated' Lab Incident, New Report Confirms

Research supports government report on lab worker's death in 2009

WEDNESDAY, June 29 In 2009, a 60-year-old American lab researcher was mysteriously, and fatally, infected with the black plague while conducting experiments using a weakened, non-virulent strain of the microbe.

Now, a follow-up investigation has confirmed that the re... » Read the full article

More Evidence CT Scans Better at Detecting Lung Cancer

Earlier treatment improves survival chances, experts say

WEDNESDAY, June 29 Routinely screening longtime smokers and former heavy smokers for lung cancer using CT scans can cut the death rate by 20 percent compared to those screened by chest X-ray, according to a major U.S. government study.

The National Lung Screening Tri... » Read the full article

Genes May Control How Long You Look at Happy Faces

Findings could further understanding of autism, researchers say

WEDNESDAY, June 29 Variations of a certain gene affect the amount of time people spend looking at happy faces, a finding that may help improve understanding of social behavior and autism, according to researchers.

Looking at people's faces helps us read their emotion... » Read the full article

FDA Panel Rejects Avastin for Breast Cancer

In a unanimous vote, advisors say drug not effective and has dangerous side effects

WEDNESDAY, June 29 The blockbuster cancer drug Avastin got soundly rejected late Wednesday as a treatment for metastatic breast cancer by a U.S. health advisory panel that found the medication was not effective and causes dangerous side effects.

By unanimous vote, t... » Read the full article

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