Thursday, September 15, 2011

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

New invention unravels mystery of protein folding

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 10:13 AM PDT

A new invention able to quickly predict three-dimensional structure of protein could have huge implications for drug discovery and human health.

'Synthetic' chromosome permits rapid, on-demand 'evolution' of yeast; Artificial system has built-in diversity generator

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 10:13 AM PDT

In the quest to understand genomes -- how they're built, how they're organized and what makes them work -- a team of researchers has engineered from scratch a computer-designed yeast chromosome and incorporated into their creation a new system that lets scientists intentionally rearrange the yeast's genetic material.

Researchers develop mouse genetic blueprint; Mouse study drives forward understanding of human biology

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 10:13 AM PDT

An international team of researchers has decoded and compared the genome sequence of 17 mouse strains, developing a valuable mouse genetic blueprint that will accelerate future research and understanding of human genetics. The team found an astonishing 56.7 million SNPs among the strains, in addition to other more complex differences, and used these sequence differences to uncover genetic associations with more than 700 biological differences, including markers for diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Consumers willing to pay premium for healthier genetically modified foods

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 09:26 AM PDT

Consumers are eager to get their hands on, and teeth into, foods that are genetically modified to increase health benefits - and even pay more for the opportunity, new research shows.

Woolly mammoth's secrets for shrugging off cold points toward new artificial blood for humans

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 08:58 AM PDT

The blood from woolly mammoths -- those extinct elephant-like creatures that roamed Earth in pre-historic times -- is helping scientists develop new blood products for modern medical procedures that involve reducing patients' body temperature.

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