Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

ScienceDaily: Biotechnology News

Antibiotics in swine feed encourage gene exchange

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 02:45 PM PST

A new study shows that adding antibiotics to swine feed causes microorganisms in the guts of these animals to start sharing genes that could spread antibiotic resistance.

New compound defeats drug-resistant bacteria

Posted: 28 Nov 2011 10:27 AM PST

Chemists have synthesized a new compound that makes drug-resistant bacteria susceptible again to antibiotics. The compound -- BU-005 -- blocks pumps that a bacterium employs to expel an antibacterial agent called chloramphenicol. The team used a new and highly efficient method for the synthesis of BU-005 and other C-capped dipetptides.

Genome-scale network of rice genes to speed the development of biofuel crops

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 09:56 AM PDT

Researchers have developed the first genome-scale model for predicting the functions of genes and gene networks in a grass species. Called RiceNet, this systems-level model of rice gene interactions should help speed the development of new crops for the production of advanced biofuels, as well as help boost the production and improve the quality of one of the world's most important food staples.

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